Monday, August 22, 2016

This is an awesome wacky web tale

Wacky Web Tales

Read your tale. We were learning our wacky web tale. We were learning our wacky web tale.

The Best Town in the World Creator: Qaiden

pearl jam came to do a concert in Qaidenville once, and the band liked it so much they never left. Now every Friday night, all the people who live in Qaidenville put on their hairy, Red Undies and walk their Cheetahs to the town square. Then they sit on the
grass, listen to pearl jam play rock music, and eat salt & vinegar .
No one has to go to school in Qaidenville unless they want to. Of course, everybody wants to because Michael jackson and Ice Cube are two of the teachers. Michael jackson teaches Sport and Ice Cube teaches Sport too one rugby and one soccer.
One day Michael jackson said to Ice Cube, “Maybe we should take the students on a field trip.”
“That's an Absolutely Fat idea, Michale jackson,” said Ice Cube. “Let's take them to the most fun place we can think of.”
“But that would be Qaidenville,” said Michael jackson.
“You're right!” Ice Cube exclaimed. “Call off the field trip! We're already here!”

This is my wacky web tale our class made one each this is mine you should do it yourself. WACKYWEBTALE


  1. Hi Quaiden,

    Your wacky web tale is so awesome.

    Next step remember capital letters at the beginning of sentences.

  2. Hi. Quaiden I really liked your poem.

    Next step use capital letters for the start of sentences.
